Meet Ravi…

Licensed Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Certified Ayurvedic Body Therapist

KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Heart Centered Healing from the Inside-Out is Ravi’s mission in Well-Being. Ravi believes that nature knows best and acts as a guide to bring the body into its own unique alignment,
re-attunig you to your own inner truth.

She specializes in fertility, women’s wellness in all its phases and presentations, mental and emotional health, as well as pain and injury management.

As an advocate of holistic beauty, Ravi is passionate in empowering her patients and clients to get curious about their perceived flaws! When we learn to read the messages our body is communicating rather than freezing or suppressing them, we are able to transform our lives and truly live our truest self both inside and out!

She loves to remind everyone that wrinkles are not life sentences. The underlying emotions that are creating them can be healed, which will result in that expression no longer being made, and ultimately the disappearance of its imprint (the wrinkle!)

Let’s Begin